About Rejuvenate

A woman is a multifaceted being,having varying roles and responsibilities; all calling for her attention and care.

She is a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a daughter in-law and much more. Yet, she is an entity of her own, possessing a body, soul and spirit that also need attention and care.

However, because of the pressure of the other external forces and responsibilities, she usually tends to neglect herself, her inner forces and her identity in order to keep up with the other external roles and duties. This has led to a lot of women experiencing exhaustion, unfulfilment and some have even developed lifelong illnesses while some others have died untimely. A lot have also not tapped into their spiritual heights nor maximised their potentials.

Jesus told his disciples in Mark 6:31, “…come ye yourselves into a desert place and REST a while; for there were many coming and going and they had no leisure so as to eat”.

REJUVENATE is a vision birthed to help us attain this rest that Jesus spoke of; especially as a woman. The program is designed to help us take a weekend off our usual locations andwork so as to rest and refresh together. In this getaway conference, we eat well, sleep well, exercise well, get Spa treatments, spend time on reflections and meditations and most assuredly, we get to have fun.